Wednesday, October 31, 2012


By Zarin

Let the moments be still
When the lights danced in the flowing water
Let the moments be still
When life felt complete in the echoes of your laughter
Let the moments be still
When eyes spoke more than the trembling lips
Let the moments be still
When you decided to conquer the kingdom and took it all
Let the moments be still
When the translucent and incandescent lights in the deep caverns made one ache for completeness
Let the moments be still
When each raindrop told a story of both pain and fulfillment
Let the moments be still
When what was not said meant more than what was
Let the moments be still
When time entailed both certainty and uncertainty
Let the moments be still
When nothing was more certain than the moment at hand
Let the moments be still
When the soul recognized itself in another
Let the moments be still
When nothing else mattered but the smile on the face
Let the moments be still
When I wake up calling out your name
Let the moments be still
When only tears can tell the untold story
Let the moments be still
When even the most beautiful of landscapes on the train could not pacify the empty heart
Let the moments be still
When walking into the sunset, hand in hand, seemed like the perfect answer

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Our Stories

I just read a really meaningful quotation:

“There’s a story behind every person. There’s a reason why they’re the way they are. Think about that before you judge someone.”

I suddenly got thinking. I meet so many stories every day. Some tales of pain; some of sorrow; some tales of enlightenment and bliss.

It is these blissful and painful moments that amalgamate to make ‘life’. Some moments are so powerful that they remain with you in all moments to come. And some are lost or forgotten even during experience.

So is life only those few meaningful moments or do these moments lead somewhere; do they lead towards moments of more fulfillment and completion or are they whole in their entirety.

It’s good to write and share; because we are all on our own journeys. We feel the same pains and joys and when we don’t share, we think we are the only ones who are suffering, which is never true.

What are we learning in life? Really what??

And when we have learnt so much, why are we faced with so many conflicts every day. In life why is it most difficult to be just ‘true to your own self’? Why?

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Excess Baggage

Walking on the journey called life, it’s extremely important to understand what ‘excess baggage’ we are carrying with us.

Some live with ‘regrets.......the ‘could bes’, the ‘could have beens’, the ‘what ifs’........

Some live without forgiving; one of the heaviest baggage. Remember, forgiving others is not for their sake but for easing out your own burdens.

Some with ‘broken hearts’ or ‘unrequited love’ which to one seems like the most perfect thing but unimaginable by others. People do die of ‘broken hearts’.

Some carry ‘unsaid words’..........the silence that haunts them till the end. Why weren’t they said? Because of inflated egos, fears of rejection or because people were taken for granted but mostly because ‘what could be.......seems impossible’.............