Today, I actually 'walked in the rain'. (Although my soul was surely dancing). I walked without fear of catching a cold. I let the cold wind seep deep into my bones and I let the raindrops wet my soul. I smiled with joy. I felt I was part of the clouds that flew past so freely. I could feel the trees and flowers dancing and singing with me as they bathed themselves in one of the last winter rains. They must know the seasons better than us. They experience them more closely than us. We are afraid of the seasons. We hide. We are afraid of feeling them fully. We are afraid of soaking the soul. But the trees despite their roots, could enjoy the dance of joy...they could enjoy the freedom of living without being judged or labelled.
I pondered over life, its frailties, its uncertainities and its unpredictability. I beamed in the honour of called 'Insane'. At least I have the courage to be true to myself...true to my soul. At least I have the courage to accept the truths that come banging into your face sometimes beautifully but sometimes more harshly. What is life but an attempt at understanding ourselves. To see ourselves unfold like the petals of a rose...gradually petal by petal, we let the fragrance of the rose guide us to the center of our beings...the center of our soul. The most beautiful and tranquil place. We learn to be completely unbiased and not judgemental. We learn to love in its purest form. We learn to fly. We learn to understand the flow of the wind and the water. We can hear the tranquil flow of water as it beautifully flows in a stream. We can hear and feel the beauty of the bird's song, that sings so serenly a lonesome song.