Saturday, December 26, 2009

When Life doesn't deal the right hands!

What one needs to understand is that life 'rarely' deals the 'right' hands.....most of the times, most of us have to make the best of what we have. Be happy and content with what you have....never take anything for granted......never take even the smallest gesture of kindness for granted....because 'nothing' is forever.....the only thing constant in life is 'change'.

Most of all, do not take time for granted and make the most of each and everyday of your life. Thank Allah everyday that He has been kind enough to grant you one more day.

People lose each other. 'Lovers' seldom meet.....for things as fickle as 'money', or maybe they were just not strong enough to face the hardships that 'true love' usually entails. It ain't easy sticking it out and thats how it is. But in your heart, with all the regrets, one feels that maybe it was just 'not' meant to be.

Then people lose their loved ones. I have recently seen an aunt pass away (my mother's cousin). She was a 'gem' of a person. Such a selfless person. I can only recall her ever 'smiling' face. And then seeing her lying helpless in those white sheets sent chills through my spine. This is where we will all land up one day. I hope we are duly prepared. How helpless we all are? Then there is the hauntingly beautiful smile of the three year old who passed away in the arms of her helpless parents. An emptiness which I hope time will help to fill.

But this is an everyday story. How helpless we feel when we hear of the bomb blasts victims. Families and hearts left incomplete. Many lose their only source of livelihood. Many are left with an empty heart longing to hold their nears and dears ones 'one more time'. How 'senseless' it all is?????

With all these miseries, woes and much more, one needs to still stand up and face it. This is how this 'life' is. If it was meant to bring 'all completeness', it would have, but this life is just 'temporary' and no one will ever feel a complete sense of fulfillment. So one has to be content with what one has and see the glass completely full instead of half full! Life is all about hoping, positive thinking, hard work, and a passion and determination which can meet all hardships. Bad times change. They do. The sun does rise again. And it rises with new hopes everyday.

Just sit down to think, what have we done 'unwisely' in our lives. And do not make the same mistakes again. Help people and do it for the love of Allah. Most of all, think optimistically because Allah's resources and blessings are unlimited (unlike what most Economists think). He has enough for all of us. But he gives it in due time. We need to make ourselves worthy of it.

I end these random thoughts with the famous quote by Khalil Gibran:

'Seek not the ways of love for if love finds you worthy, it will come your way'.


Unknown said...

Good approach towards the happenings of life..
You gave a number of ideas as to how to manage a less than ideal hand dealt by life. How do you suppose a "right hand" dealt by life be played with?

Zarin said...

You are right there are moments of fulfillment; moments of joy and utter happiness that may be unmatched.
Definitely, thank Allah for such blessings; make most of them; make them part of what you are; spiritually grow; become closer to the divine; become a better person; spread the joy you feel inside; don't take them for granted; pray that it lasts; and since life is 'unpredictable',

'Let the moment decide'!

Thinking said...

hmm...Zarin...Nice thoughts...

Even kept reminding of not taking the things forgranted I think we do most of the time and thats the irony of life.

I have my old mother and I always find pleasure in her company...I afraid for the day when we will depart. Even than sometimes I remain busy with my own routine and ignored her presence.

But life must go on...when I come back to her and find her as an old tree always happy to take you in its shadow...I thanked Allah for HIS blessings. I do have to walk side by side with other to be like them and not be excluded from virtuality.

There is a thin line between taking things forgranted and avoiding them for sometimes to do something else more important at that time.

I hope we all will learn this art one day and also hoped its not to late.

Thanks for sharing such nice piece of

Zarin said...

Dear 'Thinking'

May Allah bless you for caring for your mother and May Allah give you the strength to be her support during her old age.

Life isn't easy....its tough for all of us....but we do need to set our priorities right in whatever we do....sometimes these priorities get jumbled up too...

I am sure your mother loves you a lot and you love her too. May Allah make your relationship even stronger....Ameen!

Awais said...

GOd bless your Mother :)

Awais said...

Nice blog i really like your post keep up the good work :)

Zarin said...

Thankyou Awais!

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