There is a grand but a simple story. A story that we all know, but usually forget in our everyday lives.
The story goes: Once upon a time the first man, Adam was created. Then, from his rib, Eve was created. They lived happily in heaven till the serpent tempted them to eat the forbidden fruit. The creator, Allah became angry and sent them down to Earth. Both were punished and regretful. They asked for forgiveness and after many a years, they did get it. But they were told to stay on Earth for a prescribed time and then come back. And whoever did good deeds would live happily ever after in Heaven and who ever did more evil deeds would forever be burnt in the fire of Hell.
It was meant to be as simple as that! But humans had other plans on hand. They decided to create more complex stories which would overtake their lives. Although these stories were less trivial in comparison to the grander one, but these smaller ones overtook the original, grander story. These stories became more important than what the man was supposed to do.
Firstly, man started running after money. Money, a commodity man started killing, murdering and stealing for, was already prescribed and promised by the Creator. But humans thought otherwise. They thought they could have more of it.
Then, humans started running after power. It became important who was in power. In most countries, people with extremely low levels of morality became Heads of States. And thousands perished in these political wars. Some died a silent death while others sacrificed it for a political cause.
Then, humans did not want to live happily with each other anymore. They started hating people for their colour, race and religion. They made borders to confine themselves to their own special places. They started despising each other and decided they had to have wars just to have more money, land or oil. They thought that they could destroy an entire nation by exploding nuclear bombs. They started torturing war victims in the most inhumanly ways possible.
Then, humans became selfish. They wanted to protect their own personal property, space, family and nobody else mattered. It became okay not to speak against injustices as long as they were safely sitting in their comfy homes. It became okay to hear that hundreds had perished in bomb blasts since this was a 'regular, everyday news'.
It became more important to get degrees, accumulate as much wealth as possible and to have a feeling of a 'never ending world'.
But that is not what was promised. It was said by the Creator that this world is only temporary and similar to an illusion.
But men and women lost themselves in this illusion and forgot about the grander story. They forgot about what is temporary and what is to stay forever.
Live your life but don't forget the original grander story. Because it is your deeds that you will take with you in the Next World and not your accumulated wealth.
Hoping that all of you think good and do good. Make a conscious effort of doing at least one good deed everyday!
Keep smiling and keep spreading smiles :)
We are running after materialistic things, ITS SAD..............
wonderful article, publish it some newspaper...
The creation and resurrection of all human beings is like the creation and resurrection of a single individual :). I like the concept of the "grander story".
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