Recently, the 'Twilight' euphoria has overtaken the youth in many countries. Everybody is speaking of Edward's and Bella's beautiful love story. The girls are trying to find a vampire as cute as Robert Pattinson.
All this hue and cry has left the magic boy in the lurch! Harry Porter's new film was delayed by eight months from its premiere because Twilight was being released in those dates. Hence, the fear also lies within the Harry Porter circles.
The delay in the movie for so many months is being viewed so negatively that people are actually considering boycotting Warner Bros.
It seems no matter how many potions or magic spells Harry Potter tries, the magic has just fizzled out. This could have also happened because the last Harry Potter book is already out. The cat is already out of the bag!
Well! it seems no matter how much magic you create, nothing beats a beautiful and heart touching love story!
What do you think! Along with commenting, also vote in the poll given to show your preference of movies.
Take care and keep smiling!
More details on: http://movies.msn.com/mom-pop-culture/harry-potter-lost-magic/story/?GT1=28101
I felt it too that people are going mad for the twilight movie just as they were so crazy at the times of harry potter.
I was also compelled to watch the movie due to its increasing fame,but honestly Twilight has no comparison with the harry potter series.
Love stories are so much common in our society and i did not find anyhting special in this one.
Where as harry potter is unique,enchanting,as well as touching at the same time.
Harry Potter Wins!!
Twilight is overrated. Don't get me wrong, im a huge twilight fan as well and read all the books, but i still think it is vastly overrated.The problem is tht the author of twilight is immensely scared of writing about action sequences for some reason, i mean the girly romance stuff isn't much to keep a viewer's interest for 4 movies, plus i was greatly disappointed by the 4 th books climax, which builds onto something tht doesn't even happen. Whereas Harry Potter has a magic tht has made it a classic literature. The best thing is tht unlike twilight, you are satisfied by how the HP series end. As far as the movies r concerned, each HP movie has earned more than twice the revenue of twilight, so there is no comparison. Fans can pretend to boycott the movie, but the truth is they'll end up watching HP one way or the other. Plu lets not forget Harry Potter is the last biggie of this summer so everyone's gonnna wanna watch it. Can't saw the same for the next twilight part New Moon, because there's barely any Edward in tht part and he's pretty much the whole reason girls even watch the movie.
HP Rulez!
Havent watched it yet but now I am curious to watch it too :).
By the way, does anybody here remember Ishtiaq Ahmad, the mystery writer loved by children in the late 1970s and early 1980s?
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