I have always had curiosity to know about unexplained phenomenon like UFOs, crop circles, ghosts and jinxed places. There are so many mysteries in this world that have gone unexplained.
Bermuda triangle is one that that has never been explained till date. Is it the magnetic field or something else, nobody knows. Where do all the air crafts and ships disappear, one wonders.
Then I can never forget the story I read when I was really young. It was about a cursed mummy from Egypt which was never to be brought out of its burial place. But the archaeologists did take it out. Well, the result was that everybody that had touched that mummy died in a mysterious way. Some were killed in a car accident while some died of a fatal disease or heart attack. Despite such incidents, this mummy was to be transferred to America to be kept in the museum. But it never made it. Wondering why? Well, this mummy was being carried on the ship called 'Titanic'. Now that's eerie.
Then, there are the crop circles. Nobody knows how they are made. Overnight, patterns and designs appear in the fields. They are huge and amazingly accurate in their symmetry. Nobody knows who is behind them. Although people who have investigated them have reported a weird sound when they are being made and a very strong force pushing the crops down. Wonder who is behind them. And I have always wondered why most of them appear close to the Stonehenge.
Then, there are people who have been helped by people who died a long time ago.
The most unexplained phenomenon is the existence of aliens and UFOs. There have been thousands of sightings all around the world. Some people also admit that governments of certain countries even have some bodies of aliens. But is this true, most people do not know. Even if it is, it is kept as a secret.
I was just watching a documentary about a boy in Nepal who started meditating in May 2005 and continued meditating for more than three years WITHOUT ANY FOOD AND WATER. Amazing!
I have also seen a news clip about a blind boy who can do everything perfectly by using the power of Echolocation. This is the same ability with which blind dolphins find their way across water. Wow!
woww what an interesting post.I wish you had written it in even more details. i liked all the mysteries you mentioned. But how to be sure that these mysteries are really true and not some rumors etc?
The mummy and the titanic, i just wonder that why dint it come to light earlier?people can just say without any investigation,as there would be no proofs left,and easy to lie about!
The best part of unexplained phenomenon is that they are unexplained. One is only left wondering....
Indeed this is a very amusing post. Regarding the Bermuda Triangle mystery, I read somewhere that the disappearances of planes and ships over there are highly insignificant as compared to the planes and ships that regularly pass unharmed from the area. I was quite intrigued by this because its quite predictable that the incidents that take place are much more talked about than the said planes and ships that regularly cross without any harm done to them.
Thank you for your great insight into the matter....but the question still remains.....the ones that are harmed.....where are they???.....Maybe in a third dimension......Maybe
How would u know u r not in the third dimension - now? What if we are living in matrix? Would u take the blue pill?:)
You are right Khurram. If most of people were told that this is all an illusion, they would not be very eager to take the blue pill.
But the matrices in this world are actually in our minds. That is why perceptions are different for everybody. For all of us, the world is how we choose to see it.
Hi, I notice you are discussing mysteries I thought I would mention a book I just read.
We have been led to believe by our ancestors that when Jesus was resurrected he went up to a throne in heaven. However I just read a fascinating book by the New Testament scholar Stephan Huller that in earliest Christianity that the original gospel writer (St. Mark) might have had a physical throne ON THIS EARTH in mind - one which originally sat in Alexandria and which he rediscovered in Venice - see the photos of the object in the Basilica di San Marco which Italian sailors stole from the Church of St. Mark in Alexandria along with the body of St. Mark in 828 AD - see photos of the throne here - http://www.therealmessiahbook.blogspot.com.
The point of Huller's book is that St. Mark was the first Pope and that Jesus ruled 'on his right hand' as he sat on this throne (it is a universally acknowledged - albeit ignored - fact that the title 'Papa' or Pope was originally associated with St. Mark rather than St. Peter and with Alexandria rather than Rome; the bishop of Rome only acquired the title after the fifth century).
I was really fascinated by this book. It wasn't anything like what I had been taught in school. It really made me think and learn about the language that Jesus and the original gospel writer (St. Mark) spoke.
For instance in Hebrew or Aramaic (the language of Jesus) there would be no way to distinguish the concepts of 'divine throne' or 'heavenly throne' - i.e. it would be easy for white Europeans to get misled or confused (like the Gospels of Matthew and Luke speaking about 'the kingdom of heaven' and 'God' even though the Aramaic would be one and the same).
Moreover the Hebrew word for throne - kisse - is the Aramaic word for cup. Could the mysteries associated with the grail have been originally connected with a throne?
It is an amazing book and here is some background information on the author http://www.stephanhuller.blogspot.com/
Just thought I would pass this along
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